Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday hops

I am continually amazed at all the love and support in the blogging community.  I cannot believe how many people have written or commented already, as this blog is just a baby.  Starting next week, I will really begin my story about my painful journey, starting with how I met my husband, when I found out about his addiction, and how our dating relationship was impacted by it.  For now though, I hope you will bear with me as I try to build up a reader base today and tomorrow.  Everyone has told me to participate in these hops to gain new followers and I will spend the next two days not only trying to introduce myself, but also making connections with other bloggers out there.  By Saturday, I think I will have more time and be ready to really jump in and begin.  I do not know if I will write every day, because my story is a painful one.  I may have to take a break from time to time.  Again, I am so thankful to those of you who are supporting me in this.  It means a lot to know that I am not alone.

Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop

The Two Savvy Sisters



  1. Thanks for following, Im following you back too. I look forward to reading more about your journey and wish you the best.


  2. Thank you for stopping by Fashionably Organized and Buzz on by Thursday. Good luck on your blogging.

  3. Thank you for following me. I am glad to follow you back. Thank you for linking up and posting about Keepin' Company Thursday.

  4. Hi! I am a new follower from the blog hop. I look forward to reading your blog and your journey through life. I wish you the best.

    Please stop by my blog when you have a chance, I would love for you to enter my giveaways and follow me back.

    Have a great day.

    Kari @

  5. We truly are not alone. Thank you for sharing your journey, and best wishes to you.

    I’m following you from Talkative Thursday. Please follow me back on my blog “Inspire!”


  6. Thanks for following me! Blog hops are such a great way to get more followers and follow more people :)

  7. I'm a new follower from Keepin' Company Thursdays.
    I hope you'll come check me out at PS Mom Reviews and follow me too!
    I have fun giveaways going on now, including one for a $100 GC!

  8. Following you back! I think it is awesome that you are willing to talk about something that some people tend to consider taboo. Good luck on your journey, hopefully we can support you well!

  9. I am honoring you with the Versatile Blog Award. My post is set for 7 am est.

    I wish you all the best.


  10. Thanks for becoming a follower via Keepin' Company Thursdays. I am now a follower of yours. It is my hope and well wishes that posting about your struggles will give you the needed guidance to overcome them.

  11. Hi, I stumbled over your blog and was immediately captivated. What a brave journey you are to take. My heart bled for you though with your self-esteem issues (I would imagine most women can identify with these on some level) and the difficulties you currently face - you are in my prayers. As a pastor's wife I often have to help women in similar situations so I am following your journey with interest and praying it will help me have a greater understanding of the pain some women face.
    God bless you precious one (sorry, I'm not normally mushy but the Lord has really laid you on my heart today), be strong in the Lord.

  12. Following you back! Thanks for stopping by

  13. Following you back! Thanks for the follow.

  14. Thanks for participating in Talkative Thursday's. I hope you join us next week!
    I am returning the follow!
